Well hello everyone! I am SO happy to be contributing to this gorgeous blog once a week (gives me a great excuse to dip into my need/addiction for all things glamor)... and can't wait to cover this years Bridal Boudoir via live blogging for all of ya! Hopefully you will enjoy my pictures, tweets and insight on the occasion! Now... on to the post... :)
As I fall further and further down the burlesque/boudoir rabbit hole, I become more and more obsessed with all the different components of beauty that make it so special and enthralling. Little pieces of heaven that bring the Silver Screen to everyday life. From an early age I was always drawn to old Hollywood... a day and age when men were real men, and women were nothing short of ladies. Where being delicate and beautiful was just as important as everything else you had to get done in a day... it was accounted for. Nowadays, most people are lucky if they can dash out the door fully dressed and get to work on time. Indeed, the world is moving much faster... however I beg to differ that we should succumb to the "norm" of neglecting ourselves or not adorning our bodies and lives like we should be. Living without being surrounded by beauty is no life. This weeks finds - feathers! Exactly one of those items that most would consider to be a luxurious and decadent indulgence... but that the boudoir lady would integrate into her life seamlessly...
Be it something you save for a rainy down day to lift your spirits or something as everyday as a headband, every girl needs to sprinkle a little sugar on sometimes! I want to plan a cocktail party and make the above invitations!!!
I have a deep, deep fetish for fake eyelashes (and really don't understand anyone who begs to differ...), they are the simplest way to make a bold statement when you go out for a dinner date with your man of choice (tee hee). Other ways to bring feathers into your life... opt for ostrich feathers instead of flowers (or mix them together) for a beautiful vase centerpiece, feather earrings add a touch of natural/exotic beauty to your look... what about a pink feather pen Elle Woods style? Why not I say!
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